Earth Magic healing circles

Candace Caddick and I are working together to bring you these Earth Magic healing circles online on Zoom where we work with channellings and Archangels to bring much needed healing to Earth and humanity’s relationship with Earth and all life here. Love of the Earth and a willingness to help are the only requirements for attendance.

We meet 3 Mondays every month to help facilitate different time zones with all times given in GMT or BST time zone. Circles are the first and third Monday at 19:30 and the fourth Monday at 13:00. These circles add our much-needed community effort to all the healing work happening on Earth at this time.

For more details and circle tickets see Eventbrite


Our recent circles focused on looking at the Earth from the perspective of the deserts where we can see where needs the most help and how to find solutions. Some deserts are natural and in balance while others have been created because of human activity. There is a lot of work being done everywhere; on the land, the sea and the sky. We heal by following our own instincts and visions, guided by our own higher selves. Our hearts lead us to create a better present and future through love. Each person in the group does the work requested through the meditation using their own individual gifts perhaps working with Angels, the elementals, with Reiki, with cosmic beings, anchoring the group, bringing their love etc and the work flows as each person is guided. The group energy comes together and holds participants old and new.

It is very interesting and rewarding work and we hope you will join us. As many of us as possible working together in circle amplifies the healing impact we have. Each person present is helping everyone else in their vision so when there are ten people present the circle is present in ten different places at once healing as a circle of ten. This means that larger numbers increase the amount of healing possible.

Everyone is welcome. Many people drop in when it works for them so no-one needs to commit to being in circle every time.

When we open ourselves to work with angels, elementals and others during the online meditations people have rich experiences to report during the sharing time that follows if people feel called to share. It is a group effort, and at times our group stretches from the UK over to the West Coast of the USA, to Australia and back around through Europe. There is a second circle working with us from the elemental kingdom, and the Earth is an equal partner. These meditations connect us with light beings to work together for the planet and being in service in this way strengthens us in return. Angels and beings of light need our help and for us to request their help as planetary residents, to bring the energy down onto the physical plane. We feel that when we help the Earth to stabilise, our own human problems are supported and perhaps healed. Nothing is more important to us than doing this healing work now.

Looking forward to being in circle with you and creating magic together!

Candace channels the Archangels and has written 7 books with their words all available on Amazon. In Earth Magic they have told us -

“Humans are part of the natural world, feel outwards to find your place with the plants and animals. Take your place on Earth as a full member of this circle of life, more people are needed to be present with this energy. There are spaces waiting for humans to step in and take responsibility for their role here.”

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