
On the 19th March 2020, when most of the world was starting to experience the impact of the spread of the Coronavirus we started a weekly Facebook live Reiki circle with the UK Reiki Association where people could join live in the Reiki circle on Thursday evenings at 19:30 UK time or watch the video after the live session to share the peace of Reiki. The initial words were:

“We invite you to sit with us in Reiki, helping us strengthen ourselves, our communities, and the world at this unprecedented time.
When we can’t be physically together let’s find new ways of being together in community bringing more Reiki into the world for healing and strength.
This circle is open to everyone not just those with Reiki to come together to sit in the peace of Reiki and send it out to the world. Calling on its unlimited potential will help transform our world with love and universal life force energy. We have such an amazing gift. Let’s gift it to the world together.”

These circles continue monthly and there are now more than 100 videos with different themes, each about 25 minutes, stored on the Reiki Association Facebook page and on the Grainne Warner Reiki Master Facebook page under the video section (click on the More button to bring up videos). They are a wonderful resource to listen to during self-treatment and are available to members of the public to view. Please enjoy and share with friends.

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