Healing circles and workshops
Reiki II circle – Show gratitude
Facilitated monthly with Rick Bockner via Reiki Home. Circles are currently the last Wednesday of each month at 9:00 PDT.
Grief, Joy and Balance – a three-part workshop guided by the Archangels
This series works with meditations channelled by Candace Caddick.
"It is the experience of moving through grief with compassion to become a whole person, where all of your capacity to feel is strong and balanced and includes grief and joy" extract from Dawn of the Endless Day - Candace's new channelled book. This workshop is online via Zoom to allow for participation all over the world. Please contact me for dates for the next workshop. Details will be posted on Eventbrite as dates are added.
These workshops run three to four times a year. For the next available dates please check under Earth Magic on Eventbrite.
Living the Reiki Principles – a 21-day journey
A conscious contemplation of the Reiki principles through our daily practice of Reiki self-treatment. It starts with a session giving an overview of the value and depth of the principles and their function as a movement to becoming whole. Following this, each person works daily during self-treatment contemplating each principle in turn, allowing us to explore where we are at and where we can go with each principle and how they are all interlinked. Supported by the group energy, participants will work through the 21-day self-treatment journey. We meet again on-line via zoom on to share our journeys, listen to each other learning and growing through the experiences of the circle.
All members of the circle receive Reiki every day of the journey through distant Reiki supporting the deep healing potential of the Reiki principles as promised by our founder Mikao Usui.
For details of the next Reiki principles journey and the languages available please get in touch.
More details of this and other workshops are available on Eventbrite - https://grainne-warner.eventbrite.com
Contact Me
You can contact me via telephone: 00447958005587 or email: contact@grainnewarner.com